My First New Planner

Introducing my First~The Happy Planner Book

I am now on the plan with me ride. I have always written down my day to day plan and activities in dollar store planner. I knew I wanted some fun and brightness added to my planner to make it stand out and of course fun to look at. I need an idea or a plan, so the only place I knew to go was YouTube. YouTube has always been my go to from creative to DIY.

There is a whole community of planner on the web and the blog. Know I have an obsession with this whole new planner and of course the amazing stickers that you can use in accordance with planner book. There is about three planner I know of.
1. Erin Condren
2. The Happy Planner
3. Filofax

Here's a picture of my planner three months ago.

As you can see it is very dull and boring with a few dollar store stickers.
Take a look at my new planner book I got from Michaels with my 50% off coupon. Retail $35.00 (these planner books are pretty pricy, but worth it)

This match perfect to living room color since I have my office there.
They have plenty to choose from. The colors and graphics are bold and vibrant or soft and beautiful, depending on the planner you pick.  I use my Happy Planner to plan my months, weeks and daily blog activities. There are all kinds of stickers, folder, pens, washi tapes to accent and decorate my planner. It's like a journal scrapbooking. 

Before I place my beautiful stickers I use the Happy Planner Every Day Reminder .
I bought my stickers from Etsy. You wouldn't believe the amount of store owner that sell planner and the great selection of themed stickers. Each month I have a different theme as where others have a different theme for each week.

This photo is from my first week in in June. This is like my beginner stage. Not too much was happening that week. I had two book tour that I was hosting. Since I have two blogs; My candle blog which is here and I also have a book blog( I am also an author) where I do book tour for other authors. I use the top part for my candle and the bottom part for book blog. The middle is anything personal like bill, meetup group, or appointments.

As you can see from the Month of July It's a Mermaid theme. Sometimes if I can't find a theme or design I want from my favorite shops on Etsy I have to go to my second favorite shop. In my next blog post I will give the list of Three favorite places where I get my stickers.

This my second time doing my planner. I'm getting there!


Happy Planners look so fun, combining my NEED for a planner and a love I had for scrapbooking back when I only had one son (now I have 3 sons). :) I'm a total planner addict, I had an Erin Condren last year and this year have a Plum Planner for my blog and a Day Designer for my daily life! Stopping by from Mommy Monday Blog Hop but hope you'll link up with me too at Small Victories Sunday Linkup and Pretty Pintastic Party both going on now on my blog.
Your new planner looks lovely!