In The Spotlight...
Annica of Happy Elephant Art create beautiful jewelry and polymer clay high quality beads. With 117 listing that you can find at her Etsy shop. Read on and learn more about her business and her unique products.
Tell us about your workspace?
I have a designated craft room were I keep all of my supplies and finished products. It is still a work in progress. I have a tendency to make my entire house my work space. It drives my husband's nuts. Lucky for me he puts up with It and let's me create.
Where do you find inspiration?
I find inspiration in the world around me. I love nature other people's art and really just whatever strikes me at the moment. I just love creating things.
What are some of your goals, hopes, and dreams for your shop?
I would really love my shop to help provide extra income for my family. I love creating things and it would be amazing to be able to cut back on my main job and create more.
How did you first become interested in making your products?
I have taken art classes and painted for years. One of the things that really started my shop was an anxiety disorder. Being able to use my creative nature is a huge help in dealing with my anxiety and depression disorder. I have found that Jesus and Art are the best therapy that this world has to offer.
Do you work on your shop full time?
As of right now My Etsy shop is part time. Maybe someday it will be more but as of right now i only part time is all I can handle.
Do any of your designs have a special personal meaning for you?
I feel like all of my designs are special to me. I put a lot of work and time into my products so it is very personal when someone buys my work. It truly is an honor every time I make a sale. I will say that the magnets I just added to my store are a little extra special because they remind me of my grandmother. I use to love my grandmother's fridge. It was covered in magnets and I loved to play with them. My grandmother has passed away so that section in my shop is a little extra special.
What are your goals for your business in the coming year?
I want my little shop to continue to grow and hopefully make more sales. I am already doing way better than last year so I am hoping things keep looking up.