Sweet Treats Customers Reward Program
Do you want to earn a free great gift or a gift at 50% off? The items that are my Sweet Treat Reward section are all part of the free shipping but once you put in the code it will be discounted. I wanted to do something special for my return customers as well as for my new customers. So I decided to offer some free gift as an extra thank you for stopping by my blog, liking my Facebook, twitter, Pintrest and my G + google page, but mainly for shopping at my Etsy's shop which I will leave a link below.
With our new program, you can earn any of the select item that are 50% off in the Sweet Treat Section.
Here how it work:
Each purchase will received a coupon code sticker, On your 4th order I will send you the final coupon code. Once you've collect all 5 coupon code sticker then enter all the code in order in "the add coupon code" in my Etsy shop.
So here is the breakdown
Collect all 5 coupon code stickers.
Go to Sweet Treats Reward section on my Etsy.
click on an any item in that section
Click on make a payment
Enter all 5 code in the correct order
You will get 50% and free shipping for you.