American Made 2013 Nominee!

2013 Martha Stewart American Made Nominee
Martha Stewart - American Made 2013 - Nominee Badge

I am so happy to be a nominee in this year Martha Stewart/American Made. I only started Scandalicious Candle Melts is because I wanted something that was different from other candles that you would find at department stores. I began to make gift and samples to friends, family and co-workers. I had a great review from my candles and that gave me an idea to turn my passion and love of candles to a business. I wanted something that safe so I created cute and fun shaped wickless candles. It's so great even with the YouTube reviews and repeated customers. This mean so much to me to see that people love what I do. So if you guys love my candles only just the scent throw, but also the creativeness in these wickless candles. Just click on the link to vote for me and thanks again for your vote.

voting starts Aug 26.
